
Boys and their Toys

Jan 13_0303

Jan 13_0305

Jan 13_0306

Jan 13_0307

Jan 13_0323

Jan 13_0308

Jan 13_0310

Jan 13_0311

Jan 13_0313

Jan 13_0314

Jan 13_0315

Jan 13_0318

Jan 13_0321

Jan 13_0324

Jan 13_0325

Jan 13_0329


Jan 13_0322


……..  One day there was a boy who made matches for himself out of kindling.  He took them upstairs and collected a candle, a bowl of water, a lighter, a piece of paper, and “safety gloves.”  With great concentration he lit the match, blew out the fire, and dipped it into a bowl of water.  He lit it again, blew it out, and used the charred end to write on the paper just like you would with a pencil and he was very pleased with himself.  His little brother watched each step with great fascination and a good deal of admiration.  He asked if he could have a turn, too.  So, the boy handed him a match, helped him light it, and coached him through the steps as needed.  The younger brother was very pleased with himself.  Meanwhile, their mother watched without saying a word and she was very surprised at herself …………….


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