
Dreams Come True

They boys have been dreaming of recording some of their music for months. Liam has written a few songs and they so much wanted to be able to start recording them.

With Liam’s diagnosis, I knew I wanted to do everything in my power to make it happen. One of the chemos used in osteosarcoma often causes hearing loss and Liam plays entirely by ear. It felt like so many losses on top of each other. Everything I read online was yet another sucker punch in the gut.

Jonathan & Heather dropped everything to come be with us …. the magnitude of this gift is likely one they’ll never fully comprehend. Jonathan brought his personally owned recording equipment and set up in our living room to record audio and video of the boys.

Heather and I loaded up all the rest of the kids and drove to Stuarts Draft to swim. Once again, it was cloudy and looking almost cool and rainy. We went anyway. In the middle of so much overwhelm, I was having strong intuitions from God about pressing forward in faith. This isn’t like me at all.

The closer we got to the pool, the sunnier it got. Trell was out cutting the grass and went inside a few minutes before we got there. “Michelle must be getting close. I’m going to have to change clothes. It’s getting hot and sunny out there.” We laughed when they told us …. but you would have to know how opposite this usually is. I am jokingly known as the rainmaker among my close friends. It can be predicted to be hot and sunny and if I come to swim or go on a vacation down south early in the spring, there will almost always be unexpected cool and rainy weather. This was literally God moving on our behalf … I didn’t doubt it for a second.

In the quiet house at home, the boys recorded three songs! (You can see their youtube channel here.)

We had so much fun at the pool and returned home to an amazing brisket David cooked on the grill. Cynthia sent potato salad home with us and Heather cut up a salad. The awfulness hung thick inside my brain, and at the same time I knew that we were surrounded by God and by friends. It’s possible to feel so much grief you wish your entire family would be transported to heaven and at the same time, talk and laugh and love with all your heart.

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