Friday December 30, 2011
I wish I knew which month our house will sell so I would know if I have time to do lots of projects or only the very most important.
I wish I knew that I would never be so dumb again as to think we want to re-upholster a chair.
I wish I knew if we will ever have another boy child so I knew whether I should save some clothes or get rid of everything outgrown before we move.
I wish I knew what house we will move into when we do move so that I would know how much I need to downsize, what color and size the interior rooms are, and whether I will need to get rid of half my dishes and the bed in the guest room and the treadmill and where in the world we will store all the boxes of Marital Bliss books we sell.
I wish I knew what it is like to live at camp.
I wish I knew what homeschool curriculum I should order to give Adam the best education possible. I never, ever planned to homeschool and my brain is shooting in too many tangents.
I (kind of) wish I knew how long we will live at camp. No wait, maybe I don’t.
But tonight, I REALLY wish I knew if white leather furniture is impractical. We were looking at used brown sofas for a practical, no fuss option with the boys. And then we both fell ridiculously head over heels in love with this set (ignore the blue green chair in the foreground).
David has taken a turn for the practical since we’re home. Mostly he is afraid I will fuss at the boys constantly for dragging in dirt (valid issue). My emotions are sitting in that most-comfortable-ever leather sofa wanting to cross my fingers and think it will all wipe off. If it’s hard to keep clean, I really don’t want it. If it stains easily, I don’t want it. But what if it really wouldn’t? What if the boys could come in from their dirty garden play and sit on it and I could wipe it all off at the end of the week?
I just wish someone would hand out the wisdom of the ages. Or even a snippet of good advice. What do you think?
- Friday December 16, 2011
- Tuesday January 31, 2012
well, i don’t claim to have any good advice. and a far cry from any snippets of wisdom…
but for what it’s worth i say GO FOR IT!! you only live once and if you want white. get it!! 🙂 🙂
i think leather would be easier to keep clean than my white cotton slipcovers~
and with all the goo gone wonders out there.. yeah! i think it would be fine.
as far as homeshcool curriculum the ones i liked were abeka and my father’s world.
{{big hugs}} girly and hapPy new year!
really like your header too. so pretty and makes me look forward to spring as snow falls outside my window!
We have cream leather sofas, and they are really way easier than dirt-hiding upholstery to keep clean. Just wipe them with a wet cloth. I LOVE leather, would never go back to upholstery. The only thing that might be trouble would be a permanent marker.
Oh, and they will probably start looking dingy after awhile, but we’ve had ours ten years plus, and they aren’t looking too shabby. But then, they’re not pure white either.
The music is wishful…just like your blog. Love it. But know the feeling of wishing you’d know what to plan for in the future! Blessings as you sort it all out! And i defiantly vote for the white leather! Teach your boys the art of cleanliness…as you can tell i haven’t raised little boys yet so my aspirations are very high:) lol
Ummm….I like it but it wouldn’t work here for a number of different reasons. Too much traffic of little people I don’t want to yell at.
I go for mud colored rugs and kool aid colored furniture.
If you like it go for it, I agree. 
We have black leather, and honestly i would never get upholstery. Dirt just wipes off with a wet cloth or leather cleaner.
Wow…. those tulips in your header just stopped me in my tracks…. they make me believe again, just a teeny tiny bit. 🙂
As for all the wonderings…. my heart sorta aches for you. I remember so vividly most of those same ones. Now its a new set, but the moving emotions are wicked hard all the way around.
White couches ?? Have no clue…. but life is short, if you want them so badly, run for it.
I don’t know about white couches, but the house we’re in now has black leather furniture and I love it. It’s so easy to clean, so soft, so cozy. I’m going to miss them when we move again.
It was funny to me how you have all of these big questions about moving and homeschooling and whatever, but REALLY, the burning question is “Should we buy white furniture?” Kind of cracked me up. And I agree with what others said…if you really love it, then just go for it. Maybe you could go and ask them how easily dirt wipes off? I think it is cool that you and Dave are BOTH in love with it. That seems like a sign of some sort!
And I hope you get your other questions answered soon! I have trouble with the unknown too. I like to plan!
To keep out-grown clothes or not? Def. get rid of them, except for maybe a few heirloom pieces. ;)You will always find more at second-hand stores. And other stuff….down-size. Much easier to to get more if you need it then trying to cram stuff into a smaller dwelling.
White leather couches??? Not even an option at our house as we are too poor to afford anything nice. :)My brother told me that he’d get rid of all our old stuff (if it was his) and replace it, but when you have three hyper children jumping on it all the time, we decided to hang on to it for awhile yet. Yes, I’m a lenient mother. 🙂 I remember too well the days I cried to God for a baby and He has blessed me with 3 who turn the house up-side-down. I plan on them growing up…someday. So, check out your options on keeping it clean, and leave muddy shoes/boots by the door. 🙂
Ahh….beautiful furniture, but I could never handle that pressure…;) I’m weird like that.
Homeschool curriculum…..I like My Father’s World, (history & Science) have one son in Math-u-see, another in Abeka math, and I use A Reason For Handwriting/Spelling and ABeka Language. I could talk for hours about this very dear subject….I wish you all the best! Homeschooling may perhaps be the most challenging thing you’ve ever done…just sayin’…..but you’ll never regret it.
Amen to what lwstutz said! Homeschooling may be the most challenging and rewarding thing you will ever do. We love My Father’s World as well. It is a very literature based and hands on program and I think you would like that. We like Saxon Math and once your children read fluently look into Total Language Plus for a literature based grammar, spelling, writing and vocabulary program. I love the privilege of homeschooling!
Blessings to you as you sort out the many things that come with preparing to move and then doing it. The many unknowns are so hard. And please let us know what you decide on the furniture 🙂
Love your header, so bright and cheery! Those words to that song, are one of my favorites!
I can’t help you on the couch but maybe the home school stuff since I was home schooled. We used all sorts of curriculum for different things. Used “Saxon math” the whole way through high-school. English up to grade 5 we used “Understanding writing”, for spelling-“spelling power”. Anyway those are the main things I remember doing…it’s been ages 🙂
Happy New year to y’all 🙂
Oh, my. Reading this made me so glad not to be in the middle of alllll the unknowns right now. I wish, too, you could know some of those answers and hopefully enjoy the adventure of not knowing some. 🙂 So I didn’t get around to responding to the email, yet….and I’ve never had leather, but I’ve always heard that it’s so easy to clean, so I would hope that would be true. It feels kind of like a gamble when you’re paying for it. Hopefully someone can tell you from experience that it will be great. Did you try googling it? Your header is absolutely beautiful!!!
I wish I knew a lot of things too, but then I think, if I knew – I’d probably have to take more B vitamins to “handle” all that knowledge 🙂 As for homeschooling two words come to mind 1) stretched, like never before! and 2)fulfillment. Don’t fear it, many of us thought we’d never! We use a lot of Rod and Staff (Anabaptist vs Protestant – Abeka), Saxon, Pathway and do a lot of stuff on our own too. As for the white leather, it’s beautiful, might depend how often you buy new (20yrs or 7yrs). It’s not leather, but I have white on my bed and a chair in my bedroom and the color doesn’t stress me, the kids are allowed on both, neither look gross or require much attention (no food/drink back there though). Can’t you get leather redyed (sorry thats not a word but couldn’t think of another one) if it gets a mark?
@appalolly – Yeah, you can tell I have my priorities straight. 🙂 Or maybe it’s just that the most basic questions are the only ones I have any control over right now.
get rid of any clothes that don’t make you sigh with memories.
buy leather couch.
make good friends with someone who loves to reupholster.
only do projects on house that won’t drive you crazy.
maybe google white leather first.
and come to ohio in february.
The opinions on curriculum are about as varied as the number of people involved in education. I homeschooled for a little and my husband researches curriculum for the school where he teaches so i can’t resist adding my 2 bits on it. I used A Beka for a little and liked it, except the history. CLE is less intense for the teacher, puts more burden on the curriculum, but we like the results we’ve seen in younger grades. Their revised math for elementary grades transitions well into Saxon high school math. Faith Builders put together a creative history curriculum for younger grades, incorporates some anabaptist history and is not so heavy on the providential history. My husband likes ACSI science, revised CLE 1st and 2nd grade science, but feels like Apologia science would be a great fit for creative homeschool parents. I have friends who use Sonlight, a literature based curriculum and I would probably look into that more if I went back to homeschooling my kids.
Not much advice on the furniture but a question to throw at you. Would you have groups from camp coming to your house at all? If the furniture cleans up easily that might not be an issue. Good luck with all the decisions and changes.
your header made me stop in my tracks. so pretty. so exactly visually expressing the word that’s predominant…hope.
i don’t have advice. or ha. wisdom. but i usually can find an opinion or two… 🙂
clothes? with moving? save a fav and the others i’d send out.the.door. when you have your next lil person, you’ll go nuts trying to dig the right size out of storage. and then only to find them yellowed and the elastic disintegrated.
and like others have said here, life is too short to be all pratical all the time. if you love white leather…Go For It. Enjoy!
it’s always more fun to clean something that makes you smile
than something that really wasn’t what you loved the most.
happy new year michelle! love ya.