
Monday April 23, 2012

I’ve missed this little spot! I’ve hardly even clicked on my xanga home page at all this week and when I do I stare at it incapacitated by the backlog of subscriptions I want to read and the simultaneous urge to write. Since sitting around feeling overwhelmed never got anyone anywhere, I am powering through in divide and conquer mode. Write today. Read and catch up tomorrow (I hope!).   I do have such huge problems in my life to deal with, don’t I?

Where have I been? I don’t know. Do you ever feel really weird when someone asks you what you’ve been up to and you know you’ve been busy but you can’t at all remember what in the world has made you feel that way? Both hands raised. It’s a million little things instead of one big thing and somehow they all roll up into one big ball of vague “umm, I can’t remember.”

But I WANT to remember. Not the work part …. I’d be just fine with NOT remembering how often I’ve vacuumed the house, painted something, or washed off the front porch hoping today would be the day the realtor calls. But the other parts? They’re worth remembering! So here’s a tiny recap of some of the fun things that have been happening in March and April before they go the way of oblivion in my mind.

A birthday brunch celebrating my Mother In Law. We should have started this a long time ago so we could call it an annual tradition. If we’re in Virginia next year, I hope we get to do this again.  We are overwhelmingly a family of boy power so it’s always fun to get together with just the girls and some estrogen oriented food and conversation.

(Emily was home taking care of a puppy and I forgot to get a picture of her when she got here, bummer!)

Dinner with Trell and Cynthia. I feel so crazy, incredibly blessed to have them only an hour away again. I only moved an hour from home when I got married, but almost all my besties moved all over the place and I rarely get to see them. But now Cynthia is relatively close by again and better yet, our husbands like hanging out together. A lot. And the boys? Well, never mind that there are no play mates. Adam *almost* picked going to Trell and Cynthia’s over going to a slumber party with his friends. You see, Trell is one of those people who works near magic with a grill and Adam is a foodie.

Meeting two blogger friends in two weeks time. Pictures or not, I love being able to put a real person to a blog face!  I hope we get to meet again sometime, Jessica and Luci!

My birthday partieS. Talk about celebrated! Jeannine took me out for lunch, and as always, we way overstayed our time. We can never get done talking! And FINALLY I got to introduce her to the fabulousness that is tomato basil soup at Cafe Europa!


That night we delivered a frig to my mom and dad’s house and celebrated all over again. I love, love, LOVE that my birthday happens during the Spring season and this year was extra fantabulous because it was warm so much earlier than normal. (Never mind that it’s 55 degrees and rainy today … aka freezing cold in my dictionary).  There is just nothing like food at mom’s house.  Ever.

And yet a third celebration Saturday night when David completely outdid himself. He’d told me he was taking care of dinner and I thought, “cool.” Well, he didn’t just take care of dinner. He grilled a Greek pizza (and yes, made the crust from scratch), fixed a Greek salad, and made key lime pie. I loved it! But the celebration just went on and on. I was supposed to kill time until he was done with dishes. No problem there. The boys and I read stories and before I knew it, he was finished and had the boys come help deliver his present. Next thing I knew, two giddy boys were leading me upstairs where I found my favorite Bath and Body Works spa products from the boys so I could take a long, hot bath in candlelight with music while he put the boys to bed. And as though that weren’t enough, I got a full thirty minute massage afterward. I’ve been telling David for years he missed his calling as a masseuse.

A fun family day when Adam had a short Spring Break. He always thinks he misses out on all the fun because of school. The weather wasn’t as awesome as we’d hoped those two days, but we still managed to play outside. At least it wasn’t raining. I can hardly wait to do this again sometime after school is out!

(Peter was nonplussed with my decor.  He wouldn’t take a drink until the paper was OFF his cup and he didn’t want a “pickle” on it either.  I love two year olds!)

A birthday party for Adam. I love having an eight year old! We don’t do a big party every year, but since we are (hopefully) moving and won’t be close to family and friends, we decided this year is a party year. We asked him if he wanted to do friends or cousins and he chose friends. He is one of three boys in second grade and there are no boys in third grade which means they are the only three in the classroom. They are like the three musketeers! By the way, never use S’mores frosting to decorate because it WILL run, even if you put it in the frig. Last year the writing on Adam’s cake ran horribly by the time I got it to school. I thought it was because it was warm in the car. This year I didn’t like the brown color I’d mixed (I didn’t have brown coloring) so I added a little s’mores frosting to help ease the ugly color and by the time we ate, it was garishly running down the sides of the cake. So just to clarify, I wasn’t trying for anything ghoulish.

(Thanks to Christy for the amazing Pinterest link when I told her I wanted to do a camping theme but didn’t know what to do for the cake!)

My mom made the getting ready day SOOOOO much more fun by coming to help.  I shot a wedding in Va beach Saturday and we didn’t get home until 11 Sunday night.  Monday I couldn’t crash because it was Adam’s birthday which meant snack at school, I had to unload the van, clean up the weekend mess, download pictures, and get the van clean so David could take it to the Allegany Board meeting because it was his turn to drive.  He didn’t get home until 2:30 that night.  We weren’t going to do the party until the weekend so I thought I had all week to work on things as I could, but suddenly the weather prediction went cold and rainy so I knew if I wanted to be outside, we had to do it Tuesday night.  I knew I had all day to get ready for the party, but it was so much easier and more fun and way less stressful to have help.   Thanks, Mom!  Oh, and that’s her lovely font on the cups!

(Liam’s first s’more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I found gluten free graham crackers at Martins.  This is so crazy exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just melt inside when he finally gets to have something special that the rest of think is normal shnormal!  And yes, I know not having s’mores isn’t exactly deprivation when so much of the world would be happy for a bigger bowl of rice.  But when he lives in the middle of so much party that he can’t experience, I just want to jump up and down when he finally gets to experience it.  You bet I cheated and let him have chocolate.)

(See what I said?)

(How ceeeute is this note from Cole??)

I LOVE yard parties and cannot wait to have more of them this summer with or without birthdays!

Oh, and nothing like pictures to show you how obsessed you are with something. Apparently in the last four weeks I have now served subs or ham and cheese sandwiches twice when my friend, Tury, was here, during our Spring Break family day, when Darius and Ro moved, and at Adam’s birthday party. Does anyone sense a pattern here? It’s called, “I am ACHING for summer and picnics and swimming and eating outside.” Hey, at least it wasn’t hot dogs. If you don’t like subs, you may want to stay clear of our house.

And of course, a wedding in Virginia beach could only get one thousand times better if your amazing friends sing at the wedding and offer to split a beach house with you …. and the weather on Sunday is somewhere around 80 degrees and sunny!  It was such an incredibly refreshing and rejuvenating weekend.  Jonathan and Heather are one of those awesome “couple friends.”  You know the kind both of you just love being with and you’re not saying, “we’re hanging out with her friends or his friends.”  I love that we have so much fun with them, that conversation is so easy and restful and so interspersed with laughter.  I love that our children love to play together and hardly ever fight.  And I love that they are passionate about knowing Jesus and have inspired us so much to pursue God hard.  I think this should happen after every wedding …. so if you hire me to take pictures, please hire them to sing!  Jonathan’s solo at the wedding was stellar, just FYI.

Whose crazy kids get in the water in APRIL?  And what kind of crazy mom lets them???  Their faces are hysterical.  Look at the terror on their faces as the water hits them.  It was numbingly cold.  Yet they turned around and went in for more. 

Adam and Damaris pretended to be kings.  Adam told me I should try sitting up there.  “It makes you feel really rich.”  Somehow I doubted a stack of plastic chairs would have that ability, but I didn’t try it so I guess it’s kind of his word against mine.


Do you ever stop to think about how crazy rich and blessed our lives are??? There are so many little things. The other day I drove past road construction on my way to town and I realized all over again how nice our roads are. We drive past beautiful architecture, gorgeous flowering trees, well-maintained yards and plazas …. so much beauty. I loved Jamaica, but coming home made me realize how very much I appreciate order and beauty. But the best part is people!! I was backing up our personal pictures from the last two years and just remembering again how many, many friends we have. From all over the nation and world, really. Friends who call and talk for an hour. Friends who call and say, “Can I come over?”. Friends who send sweet little packages in the mail. Friends who make time for a lunch date. Friends who allow us into their lives and enter into ours.

If I could, I’d declare today a national friendship day in honor of all the amazing people in our lives!  And now I’m off to pick up another online friend at the airport!

27 thoughts on “Monday April 23, 2012

  1. ihavesix

    Such a bubbly, upbeat post. πŸ™‚ You had me smiling thru most of it, just because I could feel your joy and see the fun you had. πŸ™‚ Hope more warm weather comes your way soon!

  2. DelLar

    I love reading about all the fun things you plan!  It truely is your gift!  You are such a good mom, and your boys will have many, many good memories of growing up.  It inspires me to take more time for the little things.

  3. lwstutz

    Oh, I love your posts of random fun! And you really should not be that tan in APRIL!!!!!!!!!!! Is it leftovers from Jamaica or what?;) I hope packing and moving go well for you. It can’t be easy or fun…

  4. madisonsmom2

    So sososo many fun things to comment on. The birthday brunch… we’ve upgraded to having one for all the daughter in laws too just so we have an excuse to get together. πŸ™‚ Not that we need the excuse, but anyway. And Adam’s birthday party was so cute! Was to go on all the decor! -Stellar times at the beach with good friends, I could go for some of that right now! πŸ™‚ lovely post.

  5. Elizabethmarie_1

    This was a happy post for a drippy day….(even though we had sunshine today =)
    LOVE your birthday cake, you did such a cute job. The beach…I am so jealous! I want to live near an ocean.
    I have a birthday party coming up in a couple of weeks, we usually bbq, but I may just do sub sandwiches, that may be easier! Thanks for the inspiring sandwich picture! Enjoy your friend.

    Happy Monday. =)

  6. the_schlabachs

    lovely parties. lovely decor. πŸ™‚ i really like that camping theme. sadly, I’m afraid my girls wouldn’t really go for that kind of a birthday party. πŸ˜‰
    i am with you on being ready for summer. and today it was in the 40s here, and feels like it could snow! πŸ™

  7. idreamovtravel

    The cake was absolutely adorable, Michellle! I loved the ‘fire.’ And I enjoyed reading of the happenings at your house. I really wanted to come see you in Va but it just isn’t happening. Maybe I can come see you in MD?  

  8. redladybug18

    Yes, definitely know that feeling of being busy but not sure what with. πŸ™‚ It was fun reading of the happenings around your house.
    I love that camping birthday party theme-very different and fun! You went all out! I love all the little touches for all the parties! The cake is awesome and loved the candle “fire”
    That last pic is a great pic of you all!

  9. grace_to_be

    “I’ve missed this little spot!”

    and this little spot has missed you~ πŸ™‚
    welcome back.

    love the lunch for you mil.
    and the cake – seriously, girl..
    is there anything you can’t do??

    great family shot at the end.
    i love your big happy face. πŸ™‚

  10. clearlyhis

    so many lovely pictures! Loved the pinks and crystal for the estrogen party!! The camping party for Adam was perfect…the cake!! How neat!! Va. Beach…!! How lovely!
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. richlyblest

    I love the way you bring such detail to parties and get-togethers. I am so boring that way. I LOVE that last picture of you. You look so tan and pretty and happy πŸ™‚ Oh, and the threat of subs wouldn’t keep me away from your house. I could inhale one right now!!

  12. appalolly

    Wow! Sounds like things have been VERY busy for you guys!  And fun!  A couple of things I wanted to comment on:  The camping cake. I am thinking I just may have to use that one for Derrick this year. Yours turned out super cute and I loved how you used the candles for the campfire.  Also, your outfit at Adam’s birthday. SO cute! Love that white jacket especially.  So fun to see all of the pictures and so happy for you that you have such a group of friends surrounding you!  You deserve that!

  13. singingrachel

    what a happy post for sure. so much i could comment on…
    loved that cake and i might copy it too. i will have Reagen look at it and see what he thinks. you did a super job. and the subs? i never get tired of those.
    I am so excited too about doing some outdoor parties… my favorite.
    I hope your summer continues to be filled with just lots of fun and sunshine.

  14. down_onthefarm

    i could feel your spunk and energy as i read! lovelove it. *along with a missing you sniff. *

    i may not have all of the same things keeping me busy…but i can sure relate to the big ball of  i don’t remember when someone asks what i’ve been up to.
    where to start?!!! when there is so.much.

    you met luci!!! i thought that you BOTH were lucky ducks on that day! i want so much to see you again…
    and hope to someday somehow cross paths irl with luci too. i love you both. πŸ™‚

    that party of adam’s is just plain cool. awesome cake. funfun details. and all of YOUR birthday celebrations—so glad that you have been loved on so well!
    here’s to that national friendship day you mentioned! i’m grateful too.

  15. lifeisadance

    What a busy busy life!! With preparing to move, and preparing the house, and just normal life… Wow, girl!!
    Missed your around here, but I can see why you haven’t had time!

    And your post, so fun, and okay, sooo many wonderful little details!!

    ~the adorable pint jars for the party, the paper and lime garnish
    ~ the cake!! you made for Adam. that is one of the most adorable boy cakes ever seen.
    ~ the s’more favors? oh my word.  so clever and cute.
    ~ FUN beach pictures!
    ~ the family picture is so dear. you all look soo happy. you’re just glowing. πŸ™‚ love it!

  16. quiet_hearts

    This IS happy!! (Did you count your exclamation marks? πŸ™‚

    The brunch is beautiful. Your mom looks like a sweetheart. LOVE the drinking jars at Adam’s party. And I love it that I got to meet you because…well…now I know you a little bit and your photos and words hold new meaning. And as I said before, I will not forget Liam. What a honey. So glad he finally got a s’more. What I want now is one of those big pretzel sticks that you get back east. With a sub on the side.

  17. Anonymous

    This post just makes me happy… πŸ™‚ I have been really sick for several months with morning/all day sickness… Yes, it is pure miracle!!! So something about all the happy and beauty, and you glowing yourself just makes me happy.. (and hope for better days eventually) And I must say I am a wee bit jealous of your beach house sharing, there is just something about “couple friends” that is hard to beat.. I don’t know Heather real well, but Jonathan is my first cousin, and I told Brian I would give anything to pick their brains apart right now, especially on the whole knowing Jesus thing… we haven’t seen them for several years.

    Ok this is so random.. I will quit. πŸ™‚

  18. rugbana

    Hi I’m Tessy — and I have seen your comments here and there on several blogs I read already. I started a new xanga blog this year with the beginning of a new chapter in our lives and so started fresh with my sub list. You seem to be kind of in my circle anyway as we have lots of mutual friends.

    Loved all your pictures. The candles making the little campfire on the cake – adorable. You have a very lovely family.

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