
Monday March 26, 2012

These boys of ours continue to provide the best medicine ever. I have got to get better at writing more of the story immediately instead of scrawling a few words convinced I’ll remember. A few stories are lost in translation, but a few are too good not to remember forever.

It was 11:20 and Liam was starving.
L: PLEASE let’s eat lunch before I die.
Me: (laughing) Oh, Liam. I missed you so much in Jamaica.
L: I’m just funny cause you’re home from Jamaica.
Me: So you weren’t funny when I was gone?
L: No

Nice to know I didn’t miss anything!


Liam was outside playing when suddenly I heard him come in the back door. “Mommy, I need a band aid.” I got one out of the box and went over to investigate where I saw a teeny tiny scratch on his finger that barely qualified as compromised skin. As I bent to place the band aid Liam said, “P’ease don’t get b’ood all over ‘ou hands.”


For something special for David and I, I purchased alfalfa sprouts for our salad. Adam ate them quietly. “It feels like I’m eating weeds,” he said. Suddenly I remembered the time a few years ago when he first spotted alfalfa sprouts on a salad and burst out, “WHAT is that hairy stuff?”


Anyone else want a turn answering questions? They come at the oddest times … just a sudden-sprung question out of nowhere.

Adam: “Who invented the jacket?”


Liam while clearing the dishwasher: “I am so fascinating.”


Liam: “Mommy, you have two carrots on your plate and I have two carrots on my plate. That is so bizarre.”

Oh, how I snickered.

His phrasing is just so odd. Later he was taking his shoes off when I heard him muttering, “Oh b’ess my heart when I touldn’t make it.”


This one should be a video clip because Liam’s accent and his mispronounced words and most of all his dramatic emphasis are what make him so funny. We purchased a minivan about a month ago and Liam still has not gotten over the awesomeness of this. (Can you imagine how differently he will feel in ten years?) What struck me funnier though was this frequent little interchange. Imagine a touch of nasal tone going on.
“Mommy, are we doing to put du tar on du martet (market)?”
Me: “Yes, we are.”
Liam: (with a whooshing thumbs up) “DES!” (yes)


We have boys, not girls. But somewhere along the line they inherited a touch of drama. One warm afternoon we were all outside. The boys were picking up stray sticks and hauling them to the pile to be burned. The wind started picking up and a few clouds were moving in. It was hard to tell if the rainstorm was going to come our way or go around us, but there were definitely light grey rain clouds above the woods next to our house. I looked down the hill to see both boys with their heads craned back, staring into the sky. I glanced up and saw and two airplanes flying just low enough to make out their outline instead of looking like two silver bullets. Nothing about the clouds or the airplanes was at all out of the ordinary.
And then I heard Adam, “Oh, that’s bad. Two fighter jets moving into the eye of the storm …”


Just the other day Adam was sprawled out on the kitchen floor being lazy. He will sit around and just think. Sometimes he starts rambling about an invention after awhile. Sometimes he decides to play something. And sometimes he will suddenly burst out with something just completely off my radar. This was one of those days. All was quiet and then out of the blue, “Mommy, for the first time in my life, I stood bewildered.”

March 12_0767

I hope your day is every bit as fascinating as Liam clearing the dishwasher.

16 thoughts on “Monday March 26, 2012

  1. richlyblest

    I always love hearing funnies from your house. Kierra can keep me in stitches, but I don’t do that well at remembering everything. I think when Emily learns to talk better, we;ll have even more funny stuff, becasue she has the craziest personality and sense of humor!

  2. mikenpeg

    Oh, I love it! It’s so hilarious what kids come up with… last week one evening I had just showered and put lotion on my freshly shaved legs, and with exceptionally warm weather then, I donned a shorter-than-usual housecoat/robe. (I truly hope only ladies read your blog!!) Miguel (4) has always had a thing for anything soft and/or smooth, and he came over to the couch where I was sprawled and started patting my legs and running his hands up and down my shins. I finally said, “Ummm, Miguel, I’m not sure how cool I am with you rubbing my legs…??” He looked at me, frowned innocently, and said, “But Mom, why not? They’re beautiful!” !!! Mike and I laughed so hard. Miguel recently discovered the word “beautiful” and its context, and obviously he thought it fit the bill.

  3. itsayoderworld

    I get excited when I see that you’re posting “funnies” from your boys! I fail horribly at writing down the hilarious quotes my own household produces…I really need to do better because this poor memory of mine can’t be counted on to recall the laughs that I’ll wish to remember when I’m 80!

  4. happyangel78

    I really love reading the funny things your dear boys say.  They have to be 2 of the funniest children ever.  I think you could write a book with just the funny things they say & you’d have a best seller. 🙂  I know I’d buy it! Glad your children could make me laugh today because mine were anything but funny. Grumpy, whiney, sad, tearful, grumbling, complaining, moody-yep, anything but funny.  Hoping tomorrow is better-it’s gotta be! 🙂

  5. fruitloops115

    this was yet another fantastic post your little guys sound so hilarious. I think my favorite was the “fighter jets flying right into the eye of the storm”. I seriously laughed out loud

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