
Psalm 91

My friend Jennie reached out to me as soon as she heard about Liam. She was one of my preceptors in the CCU and I loved her so much! She was smart and taught me to dig in and learn everything I could, how to build rapport with the doctors as a team, how to communicate what my patients needed and how to advocate for them instead of waiting around for it to happen.

Now she’s a nurse practitioner with a holistic bent far away in another state and my nursing career feels like a chapter in a history book; but once again we fall into similar roles. She sent me so much helpful information and helped me find a pediactric natropathic doctor who specializes in oncology patients. She listened to my heart …. the mom side and the nurse side and could understand and speak into both. But more than that, Jennie shares my faith in Jesus and she led me straight to him in both praise and speaking truth when I couldn’t make sense of the muddle I was feeling.

A friend from nursing school is now a pediatric oncology nurse in a different town and she became my source of all kinds of helpful information for avoiding side effects and which things to ask for.

I marveled all over again. This was all so orchestrated from God way back twenty plus years ago.

May they dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
May the Lord be their refuge, their fortress, and the God in whom they trust.
May the Lord command His angels concerning them to guard them in all their ways.
May He answer them when they call and be with them in trouble.
May the Lord rescue and honor them.
With long life may He satisfy them and show them His salvation.

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