

Today was supposed to be the kickoff of our staycation. We had so many fun things planned. We did a staycation last year and loved it! It’s challenging to travel with little ones and sometimes tough for us to find things our entire family enjoys because we have so much diversity in our kid’s ages and interests. By doing a staycation we could save a ton of money, do some much needed home repair, cook around food intolerances, and then still go do fun things in short spurts. We were going to rent a pontoon and a jet ski one day, swim at a friend’s pool, camp beside a river, hike Humpback Rock (if Liam’s leg tolerated it) and paint the barn.

Suddenly our vacation was turned upside down, just like our lives.

The boys were invited to an activity with a bunch of kids from church and we didn’t say no. Staycation or not, we weren’t sure how many more chances Liam would get to do social activities in the few months. They had a great time playing together and then a time of anointing and prayer for him.

Meanwhile, I was trying to find as much alternative advice as possible to help support Liam’s body through chemo. There are a lot of things I’d do if it were me; but this is his story. Some things we tried for a bit, like blending a whole, organic lemon rind and all with water, but after a few days he wasn’t having it. I read about keto diets and plant based diets and Mediterranean diets. There is so much information and so many claims it is completely overwhelming. Mostly I learned that the word cancer is very, very, very general word and that what helps one type of cancer can actually wreak havoc in another.

He’s only twelve, but he is twelve. Somehow we want to find a way to protect him from as much as possible yet give him a level of ownership and choice.

2 thoughts on “Saturday

  1. Louise

    I’m touched by the difficult journey you’re on. I’ll be praying for you! I haven’t met you but I enjoy your writing and hope you’ll keep us updated on your son.

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