Thursday April 16, 2009
I think that if I decide not to blog unless I can’t whine about the boys being sick you’ll never hear from me again. On Sunday we had day three of everyone being well. We were on our way to a camp presentation in Gladys when I thought sarcastically that I should take a picture of the boy’s nostrils to prove that we are completely infection free. That night on the way home David Lee asked Adam if his throat hurts because his voice sounded funny. Adam, of course, said no. By morning he had a temperature of 101.6 tympanic.
His fever broke sometime Tuesday and was replaced with a deep, mean-sounding cough. Tuesday night Liam started with a temperature of 102.7.
So instead of taking a fun ride on Amtrak for Adam’s birthday today we are at home fighting bugs again. In looking back through the winter I am realizing that we had one 8 day and one 10 day sick-free time at our house since the end of December. Otherwise we’ve averaged three to five days before someone gets sick again. I know this is a bad year for everyone; but frankly, I’m getting a little desperate not to repeat this. We have two “worst scenario cases” at our house that David and I throw around when we get really discouraged with something. When things get really, really rough either he or I will say, “Hey at least you’re not pregnant,” or “Hey, at least we’re not building a house.” Both those things just go on and on for a minimum of nine months of misery and maxed out survival instincts for us both. This winter has been an awful lot of short term misery piled on top of each other and pretty soon it’s going to rank up there as third.
What can I do to build up the boys’ immune systems? I’m not a health freak by any stretch; but I would say I’m moderately strict on dietary isssues. I am one of the world’s worst pill takers and even with moving the multi-vitamin bottles around to new places in plain sight for reminders, I forget to take / give them. Maybe I should put them beside the boy’s fluoride since I do remember that. I have been pretty faithful in giving Liam acidophilous. While it certainly hasn’t helped keep him well as touted, I do think it decreases his eczema flare-ups.
I am not an herbalist. I try things sometimes because other people praise them to the sky as miracles and find they don’t work for us. While I know that some herbs truly have been researched and found effective, I sometimes wonder if half the hype on many of them is the placebo effect. Feel free to argue with me. I would love be convinced otherwise. I just get tired of paying 17.98 for a tiny bottle of something that doesn’t change anything for us. Like garlic-mullein oil. Or black and blue cohash.
At the same time, I’m getting desperate and traditional medicine has nothing to offer besides the flu shot. Have you found something that really, really works for your children. Not just, “no, we didn’t get sick,” but more like, “We were sick all last year and now even with this bad flu year we didn’t get sick becuase we took this.” Or, “one of my children gets sick all the time and now I give them this and they don’t get sick anymore.”
- Wednesday March 25, 2009
- Friday April 17, 2009
I’m all ears to hear what “wonder medicine” others give to their children! I think our household would rank not too far behind yours in the sick-free days we’ve had this winter! 🙁 Here’s hoping they get well soon!! 🙂
“…that David and I throw around…” Sorry, Honey, it just doesn’t sound right.
I see a lot of people are viewing this & still you have no suggestions.
Possibly because we’re afraid to stick our neck out there. I would agree with much of what you said about trying something new & it doesn’t seem to make any difference. The one thing that I like to build up their immune systems is colloidal silver. I can give you more details, but will refrain in case you’ve already tried that. As I type, I have 2 children with runny noses, so it’s not like this is some kind of miracle cure. Although for sore throats, it is almost immediate relief.
@twofus_1 –
Get used to it my dear. He is always David in anything business or camp related so I hear that version about as much as I do his full name (kind of depends on who we are with most at the time). It sounds more wierd to me to say it than to hear it by now. Don’t even get me started or I’ll write another whole post but just one thing, the “David” side of him is sort of a different person than the “David Lee” person. I can explain more on the phone.
@thegrabertribe –
yeah, I was afraid people would be afraid. =) I really want to know though. Sore throat isn’t quite as much of an issue here although it does happen. And no, I haven’t tried the silver. Right now it just feels like they are so run down they pick up everything that comes around. Honestly, the only place they could have even possibly been exposed on this round was twenty minutes at Home Depot?????????????
I have to agree 100% with the above comment about colloidal silver! It works wvery time! Its actually a natural antibiotic! Another thing we use ( its actually a medicine for cows, but everyone around here uses it) is Bovine IgG From First milking bovine colostrum ID-1. It seems absurd but at the first sign of sickness or complaint of sore throat put a little of that in some juice and give it to them! It works better for us then the silver does! You can purchase it at your local farm supply store! (I’m gritting my teeth at what people might say to that, but its just colostrum so you can try it if you like!) I won’t be without it! Best wishes and Happy, Healthy spring!!!
@thegrabertribe –
I would like to know more about the silver, even if Michelle doesn’t. =) How much, how often? Because I know you can do too much. I’ve seen the results of that already.
@janelleandco –
Here’s a website that tells you a lot about it. Silver I’ve heard that the reason people get too much is because they try to mix it themselves. This kind that I get has been proven to have a safe concentration. It also has the recommended dosage on the box. I always get it from in-laws store called Bulk N Natural in Sarasota. Their phone number is 941-957-0595. I have no idea how theirs compares in price to this online store.
Silver is a metal. People who are exposed to too much of it can get heavy metal poisoning. I have a friend who uses it all the time and she’s always complaining about her children getting sick, but of course that’s just anecdotal evidence. Another friend of mine had a child who was on several rounds of antibiotics, wasn’t getting any better, and finally tried liquid echinacea. It worked for her, but that’s not saying it would work for everyone.
Did you ever try Mountain Meadew Herbs? I heard their Infa-Flu is super good. It’s made for children to fight off colds n flus naturally. My friend uses it for her kids.
Did you ever try Nature’s Sunshine? I use the ALJ and VS-C for MacKenzie and like it…. The VS-C helps build their immune system up, u can give it even if they are not sick…It’s liquid so i use it in Kenzie’s sippy cups too with her juice and she has no idea. And the alj is good for snotty noses n stuffiness etc.
Liquid Echinasia (sp? sorry!) Works wonders for my husband Jeff – if he feels a cold coming on (like all headachy n stuffy) he takes a bunch of this and somehow it helps him not get sick.
yes, Liquid Silver is good too
Get better soon! I hate sickness!!!
but too be honest i haven’t seen results with the silver as with Echinacia and Kenzie’s VS-C, but it may be my imagination
Here’s a link on the Silver I assume you’re already running a humidifier? Echinacea (if it works, which some studies say yes and some say no) is supposed to boost immune system. At worst, it’s not harmful.
Oh sorry, link didn’t work and I couldn’t edit it. The hard part about a lot of this stuff is that some people are convinced it works for them and others don’t think it does, and there’s the whole placebo effect, and it goes on and on. I would be really interested in hearing if the echinacea works for you. John had a cold half the winter, and he’s the one around here who never gets sick. He hates taking pills, but he was about ready to go out and get some echinacea.
I’m not a child anymore, but some years back I kept getting bronchitis and pneumonia and nasty, random colds. I started on grapefruit seed extract, either by liquid or tablet, and VERY rarely get a cold. It’s a natural antibiotic and anti-fungal, and of course high in Vit. C. Whatever that’s worth…
It’s been fun reading everything people have to recommend. In our house, we do things pretty much like you do in yours, like lots of fruits and vegetables and a multivitamin every day. The following web site gives more information about colloidal silver, including the FDA’s list of side effects and a fascinating picture.,2933,317564,00.html
I’m reading these comments with interest. I grew up in a home in which Vitamin C was about as close to herbal treatments as we ever got. Then I married, and found myself with a MIL who totally believes in the miraculous powers of all things herbal. Talk about the colliding of worlds……..! I’ve never felt too comfortable giving my children herbal remedies. . .usually the boys just get extra doses of chewable Vit. C when they have colds. But I was feeling about as desparate as you with my baby, who had several back-to-back colds (croup included). I totally know what you mean about feeling like taking photos of clear nostrils!!!!
All that to say, I really don’t have any advice or recommendations—–but I do have sympathy. I sure do hope that this terrible winter will never be repeated for y’all!
just for a little PR=) I am not a fan of silver, however, i was introduced to something last winter that changed my cold/sick status this past winter. I don’t often get the flu, but have a cold nearly all winter. When i think it’s gone, it comes back with a vengeance. I was always blowing, hacking, snorting, you get the pic. I was introduced to QueV, a liquid. I had only 2 short colds this winter, a HUGE improvement of the last 15 years of my life! You can see the website @ I take it when i feel the first signs of a cold- drainage, etc. or even if i have been around someone who is sick. It is amazing.
Michelle, i know you’ve heard about this before. Just wanted to throw out another option to everyone else.
I’ll put a plug in for echinacea. I have taken it v.e.r.y. sporadically in the past but have had amazing results. I was scheduled to sing at wedding one weekend and Thursday evening I felt a serious congestive cold/cough thing coming on. It was going around and it was nasty. Friday morning I was even worse. I got my hands on some echinacea and was told to take it every hour. I slowly began feeling better all day long and was able to sing at rehearsal that evening. I wouldn’t say that I was totally symptom free……..but I could tell a huge difference. So. Why don’t I keep it on hand and take it as a daily supplement??? #1 I am with you in your hatred of taking pills. I avoid it at all cost. I would rather have a healthy diet and get my vit. from good food. #2. It is expensive. I hate to think of paying for my whole family to take it all winter. There is a family in my community that takes it faithfully all winter long and they claim that they don’t get the colds and other common winter illnesses. I probably need to learn to be more preventive…..????
Lots of good comments on here! I’ve been feeling sorry for you and your boys. That’s a lot of sick time in one winter, and it gets depressing really quickly. I am a very big fan of Vit C and Echinacea. My sister-in-law makes the liquid echinacea, so it’s many times cheaper than buying it at a health food store. I give the children one dose every day in the winter (when I think of it!) and two or more per day when their classmates are sick. Each of my two were sick one day this winter, even while their classmates had multiple bouts of the flu, etc. I also give them each 5000mg of Vit C each day, and when they have a cold coming on, I give them up to 15000mg per day. The problem with VitC is that the RDA is not high enough to make a difference. Each child should get 1000mg per day according to their age, until age 10. So my 2 year old gets 2000 each day, my 8 year old should have 8000, and my 9 year old 9000. At 10 years old they are receiving 10000mg. They have not been taking them faithfully since Spring is here, but this winter we went through several bottles. I get my chewable C at Puritans Pride. They quite often have good deals; the last one was buy 2 bottles and get 3 free. So now that I’ve given my 10 cents… =) Blessings to you!
My take is probably off the wall, but some years we have lots of sickness (this year) and others hardly any at all. My belief is that they are going to have to build their immune system sometime and as inconvenient as it is…this too shall pass. I am a firm believer in excessive fluids, healthy diet, lots of sleep and when these are compromised (as they often are) a multivitamin. It helps that I have a pediatrician that is not quick to slap them on antibiotics and I used to work for him so I feel free to run in for advice anytime. 🙂 Hope you all get better. I have not read all the comments but got a glimpse of the word echinacea and I’d like to just give a precaution that many folks are allergic to it and it can actually cause hayfever and cold symptoms…
My SIL swears by Emergen-C an immune booster that can be picked up at Walmart. Last winter she thought her daughter was very susceptible to every thing that blew by, this winter she thought she was much better. It comes in a powder form to be stirred into juice or whatever. I have also heard that echinacea should not be taken daily because your body gets “used to it” therefore it no longer works after a prolonged use. I do agree though echinacea does work, I have used it off and on. When the children came down with colds after Layton was born I took it just to keep myself (and him) from getting it and it really did work. Everyone in the house had fever and sore throat except him and I.
Wow! You must worn out from fighting sickness all winter long. It must be one of those winters, as Carolyn mentioned, because I got sick much more frequently than usual too. I’m not a pill taker either. I should set a special alarm to even get vitamins taken. I definitely can tell a difference in my health if I really lose sleep. Not sure how much that helps you though, since you can’t force a baby to sleep. 🙂 Hope the sickness goes away for you very soon.
@the_schlabachs –
so very sorry. hope y’all feel better soon (that’s not supposed to be glib like it always sounds)
@thegrabertribe –
I’m a worrier so silver would have me lying awake in bed thinking about early onset dementia or something just b/c it’s a heavy metal. But that’s just me.
@ewaldro –
@mylittlepinkhouse –
yes, on the humidifier; I will have to at least look up the infaflu.
@livingwater4me –
hmmm, so maybe I’m looking for a miracle cure when the truth is it’s just part of life. I kept thinking Liam must have a weak immune system; but the truth is, Adam rarely gets sick and this year he’s been down hard so many times. Maybe Liam is actually tougher than I think. I will say that after learning how much our body self-regulates I am very leery of almost everything for fear of setting off a delicate balance. I’ve never heard of allergies r/t echinacea before but if that’s true, now would NOT be a good time to start it. Adam had terrible seasonal allergies for the first time last Spring and I’d be hard-pressed to tell which he is reacting to if it happens again.
@shenklanedairy –
My husband got a lot of help from emergen C this year too! He gets a bad sinus infection several times a winter and this time, every time he felt it coming he would mix emergen C and airborne together and take it 3-4 x / day. He aborted all but the very last one. Did you know they make airborne pixies for children? Adam loves them!
@busterandthumper –
I keep coming back to this. It makes a lot of sense to me b/c of the role IgG plays in our immune system. At first the word colostrum made me think ewww, but on second thought, we drink cows milk, what is my deal? I wonder if there are any farm supply stores around here or if I will have to grit my teeth and go talk to some of the dairy farmers in my old church. =)
I was thinking about my comment and wondering if it sounded as if I don’t mind when the boys are sick. Not true at all. I’ve found that I have to keep running to God or I become angry (that I’m loosing sleep, not getting work done), frustrated (because of how needy they become), and controlling (It’s UP TO ME to conquer this and if I don’t then I am not a good mom, or nurse for that matter). These times are hugely redemptive and very painful…but I hope I’m running to God a bit more quickly than before, knowing that He is in control and if I pray for wisdom He gives it. So often His wisdom is “find Me”, which is much harder for me than being given something concrete to do.
Well, that was all to say that it’s not as easy to bear with sickness as I made it sound…blessings as you seek Him.
Thanks for posting this question!! When I have more time, I will be back to read and take notes!!!
So funny cause I don’t do many herbs, but garlic-mullien is one I would swear by (if I would swear! =) )
Ok – first off – I would probably be considered a ‘health freak’ so now you have been warned and don’t have to read on. ( :
Ever since you posted this – I have been thinking about it. I wanted to comment on it – but I am not as comfortable in writing as I am in talking one on one about this kind of thing. I think you already know that alternative healing and natural/herbal medicine is a passion of mine, and I guess partly since my 2 brothers have been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. There is a bunch I would love to talk about but you already have quite a few good suggestions from others. I would put a huge plug in for colostrum and it’s something I have had good results from. I try to keep my children on this and a good multi-vitamin over the winter at least. And we had a very healthy winter. I was a little worried about it since it was Portia’s first year in school and really the first time she would have been so exposed to other people and so many germs, but she was fine. And there were alot of children sick from her school. I agree with you that building a strong immune system is the best way to fight sickness.
Ok – this is longer then I wanted, so I’ll quit – I hope you all feel better soon – it’s not fun to be sick.
Have a lovely weekend – Mj
I wasn’t going to comment for fear that you would think I’m a radical, but here’s my version of the story, and what has worked for us.
Giving your children vitamins and supplements is not an “expense.” It’s an investment for their future and present health. It’s a preventive for medical bills. IT’S SO WORTH IT. That’s how I see it.
There are a number of great vitamin/mineral supplements out there for kids. My kids love the gummy vites that you can buy at Walmart or Costco. They taste great (like gummi bears, only without the sugar) and they won’t let you forget to give them!
Aside from that, I give them cod liver oil daily. My mom used to give it to us when we were little, and I used to scoff at how she praised cod liver oil. NOW– I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH ABOUT ALL THE GREAT BENEFITS OF THIS STUFF FOR OVERALL HEALTH. However, I won’t say all the good things I know about cod liver oil here. You can go ahead and do your own research on it. I know that we have benefited from it. I’ll even give my babies a small amount every morning. I personally cannot handle the fishy odor and taste of the liquid, so I take a type of cod liver oil capsule that doesn’t leave a bad aftertaste from Kids can get used to the taste if they take it from the “get-go” but our kid’s favorite is the orange flavored liquid from Twin Lab. I can find it in almost any health food store. If they don’t like it straight, try mixing it with their juice in the morning.
I recently found a children’s chewable acidophilus at GNC that my girls love. They don’t let me forget to give them that either. Acidophilus is a pro-biotic that puts good bacteria into your system (you prob. already know this) and is a MUST especially if your kids have been on antibiotics. I’m thankful for the invention of antibiotics, and will use them on occasion, but am concerned about overuse of them. Antibiotics is like Clorox– it kills all bacteria, good and bad. Healthy bacteria is very important for a healthy immune system.
We’ve come through the winter with no serious ailments– no high fevers, no flu, etc. My baby struggled with sinus issues a lot, but I attribute that to teething and her nasal problems that she’s had from birth.
That’s my story. Hope you find something that works for you, and I really hope you have a better winter next winter!! Having sick kids all the time is not fun!
Here’s my two bits: the problem with most vitamins is that they don’t dissolve well. I had some abdomen x-rays taken once and the technician was telling me that she sees a persons whole vitamins somewhere in the intestines or colon. Hows that for money down the drain? Here’s some info from the vitamins we take:
“We are not getting the nutrition we need from our diets. Less than 20% of adults eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables.
“We take a multivitamin to help fill the nutritional gaps in our diets, but traditional multivitamins have two main problems:
Solubility: Unlike nutrients found naturally in plants, minerals in supplements are isolated and are less soluble in the intestines
Free Radical Generation: Isolated minerals found in other supplements sold in the marketplace release free radicals that can rob antioxidants (e.g. vitamins A, C, and E) of their effectiveness
“The Vitality Pack® with patent-pending Oligofructose Complex binds minerals to organic compounds (oligofructose and amino acids) to mirror the way minerals are found in fruits and vegetables to help resolve the problems with traditional multivitamins.
Oligofructose Complex helps keep minerals soluble in the intestine— where nutrient absorption takes place
Oligofructose Complex helps protect the potency of vitamins by guarding the minerals, reducing their ability to generate excess free radicals.”
The best part about them is that there’s a ninety day empty bottle guarantee. Take them for ninety days and if you don’t feel better, your money will be refunded. I’ve been taking them every day for two years now and I feel SO much better. While I’m going at this from the adult angle, I’m sure the children’s vitamin is just as good.
I guess that turned out to be more than two bits!
@maryjunemiller –
Mj, I think you know that you are not truly a health freak and if you are, you’re the nicest one I’ve met. Health freaks give you unsolicited advice and commands about your behavior and choices when they see you doing something they wouldn’t! I would like to know more about the colostrum. Specifics, please. Does this come in capsule form or liquid, are there different concentrations, how much do you give to your children, etc. A friend of mine bought some at a health food store yesterday and said it comes in capsules. She was going to break them open for the kiddos then saw that the capsule protects the stuff from stomach acid???
@busterandthumper –
Do you mind answering the same questions as ^^^ to Mary June (I couldn’t put you guys in the same little comment box for some reason)? I’d like to see exactly what you guys are doing. I think this is my pick out of all the suggestions since it would hardly be good to try everything (!) and this makes the most sense to me.
@smilesbymiles – I will try to answer the best I can! The stuff I referred to earlier is in liquid form and I am not aware that it comes in different concentrations. The guy that I bought it from is my cousin and he told me to just put enuf in the bottom of a juice glass to cover the bottom of it and add a little juice to it.(this amount would be used daily as a preventive) I don’t give it to them every day, so I use a little more when I detect the first sign of sickness!
I would be more then happy to send you a bottle if you have a hard time finding it in your area! Let me know if I can be of any help!
@smilesbymiles –
I read busterandthumper’s reply and think what she is recommending sounds great. The one I used was a chewable – and the kids loved it!! They asked for it -I am out of it for about a week now, & they have been whining about not having some. My bottle was organic and I don’t know that it would make much difference except that the cows wouldn’t be given any hormones, etc. and so it wouldn’t come through in their milk.
I don’t know about it causing stomach acid at all. Never had any problems, but there again, mine was organic, and I know that when things are added to a cows diet or given to cows, the milk they give off can do weird things to your insides (okay so maybe now you will think I am a freak). Vitamins for the kids is one thing I splurge on and make sure I get the best and don’t mind spending money on it. I could go on for a while here – but I’ll leave it that if you have any more questions – just ask here or email. Hope this helps. MJ
I just read letshavechai’s comment – and she had some great suggestions as well. The cod liver oil has GREAT benefits. It supposed to be super good for the brain – and I have a friend who also gives it to her babies / children.
@maryjunemiller –
Did you buy the chewables locally or online? I think I prefer that route for Adam since he’s going to fuss about the taste of a liquid. Any brands you recommend? The stomach acid thing wasn’t that the colostrum caused it but that our natural stomach acid might kill the colostrum before it can work? Seems wierd to me b/c why wouldn’t that happen in calves.
@busterandthumper –
I’m going to try to find something locally but if I can’t, I will be messaging you.
Thanks so much to both of you for this. I am hoping it will help. At least it will give me peace of mind that I’m doing something proactive.
@smilesbymiles –
I bought mine locally, although I am sure you can find good ones online as well. I got mine at a health foods store – just looked at and ‘smelled’ the different ones they had and then picked one. I wish I had a bottle right now so I could tell you exactly what they were – if I get some next week, I’ll let you know. MJ
@maryjunemiller –