Thursday April 23, 2009
Last night when Adam saw the vegetable box I was getting ready to open he said, “Is that Cain?” My first impulse was to laugh and say, “Of course not, sweetie.” Then I looked again. Ok, so it’s not an image of Cain; but is it supposed to make us think of him?
Watching the process of developing the name, Edenali, made me much more aware of what is really behind a name and how much we get visual and mental messages without realizing them. If Beth weren’t headed to the beach for a wonderful, sun-drenched, children-free three days at the beach with Kelvin I would call her to ask for the exact amount of money behind the design of the arrow in FedEx. (If you never noticed, look at the arrow created by the Ex.) One of her school students noticed it and thought maybe it was co-incidence so Beth had her class write the company to ask them if they knew the arrow was there or if it was put there on purpose.
I love her version of the story. She said, “I was out at recess time playing double base with my fifth and sixth graders (and if you don’t know Beth, that would have been blonde, 19 year old, 92 lbs who blends right in with the highschoolers) all out of breath and hair everywhere from racing around when in drove a vehicle she didn’t recognize. An expensively suited executive emerged asking for ‘Miss Hershberger.’ I swallowed, tried to find some dignity and said, ‘yes, sir. That would be me’.” Mr. FedEx representative himself had come to talk to them (impressive, right? It makes me smile and say, “Yes, I like that company!” every time I see their trucks.) regarding the letter and answer their questions.
But back to the vegetables. You know … Cain grew the first vegetables and even though he was born outside of Eden and had to work hard against the thorns and thistles (and ended up going against God) don’t you sort of mentally associate him with the garden of Eden? So did Green Giant purposely create an image that makes us think that so we think their vegetables are better or no? Maybe I should have Adam write and find out. In the meantime, I’d better make some new everyday dresses.
- Tuesday April 21, 2009
- Tuesday April 28, 2009
Now you’re gonna have to post all the details of the FedEx visit, you know that don’t you? Interesting! I never thought of the Green Giant as Cain, but who knows, might be worth a letter to find out. I’m sure your everyday dresses are fine:)
hmm. never thought of that. Never noticed the man actually but he does look like he would be dressed right. Now it’s gonna bug me til I know. Maybe you should write and ask and they would send you a bunch of free coupons:).
I;d love to know the whole story behind the fed ex guy too.
Have fun sewing. so far I’ve just been cleaning up messes… sigh.
so what’s the scoop on edenali?
I’ve always wondered about the Green Giant. But I always thought he looked very nice. Very green, but friendly.
Interesting thoughts! I’d love to hear the rest of the FedEx story.
@yodertime –
@damys –
@Just1BeachNut –
Let me see if I can get Beth to give the scoop when she gets back. Amy, I wish I were sewing. I’ve been doing some dresses for a girl in our church and a few other people and it is SO time for me to have a new one. My wardrobe just about needs a complete overhaul. Sorry about all the messes at your house. Some days are like that and they are so frustrating.
@de_squared –
It’s a coined name from the words Eden and Denali (think Denali state park). Does that make you think positive or negative or neutral? And no, none of us were brainy enough to do that on our own. When you coin a new word and buy it’s ownership you also get to give it meaning. The guys chose “strength and integrity.”
@damys –
hmmm, almost missed the point about coupons. I just might have to do that.
New everyday dresses…..does that mean you’ve lost weight, gained weight, got pregnant, or maybe you are just tired of the old ones? ….spring does make me feel like I need some brighter colors in my wardrobe!
Have a great afternoon!
Now I have to go look at a FedEx sign. 🙂
Someone pointed out that arrow to me several months ago and now I wonder how I never saw it, because it is so obvious.
Please someone tell me I am not the only one who can’t find an arrow on Fed Ex!
Ok, I just couldn’t stand it…I looked at it from every angle and finally googled it. (I mean “swagbucked” it, of course
……) I would’ve never found it otherwise.
@rachi882 –
So sorry about the torture. Glad you found it. Did you win a point in the meantime? =) Oh, and the everyday dresses, I thought about making up this huge story to see if you believe me, like, yeah, I gained 30 lbs from stress this winter you know. =) The truth is, I ruined most of my clothes 2 yrs ago when we were building and still hadn’t gotten back to full swing when I got pg a couple months later. So now to top it off I’m still bfing (Don’t even get me started, I was going to wean him 2 mo ago) and can’t wear all the ones I did have. Most of what I made after Liam was born is either huge or getting worn all the time for everything other than church and the two or three dresses have actual holes. So yeah, it’s kind of a bad situation. =) And no, I won’t be actually making everyday dresses (at least I hope not). And yes I AM trying to wean my “baby.”
No I don’t think I won a point! John seems to win more than me for some reason! I did get several Amazon gift cards though….they add up kinda slowly!
I didn’t mean to make you explain why you need dresses. I just thought that Smiley with question marks looked a little suspicious.
It does sound like you are in need of dresses! (I had to re-read that sentence in the middle of the paragraph. I thought you said, “I’m still barfing”!!) Having babies really does a number on your clothes doesn’t it? I think I’ve worn everything from 8-18, cut holes in clothing to nurse my babies, etc… The clothing that manages to survive the year of pregnancy and post-partum, get stained from spit-up and baby food….. I am impressed that you are still breastfeeding. Seriously! I breastfed 14 months for the first and only 6 months with the next. I don’t want to explain all the details of why I quit at 6 months/didn’t quit ’til 14 months…too much info and not for here!
I hope you can find time to make your dresses soon!
@smilesbymiles –
Blessings to you on the sewing for that girl in church! Sigh!