
Thursday February 9, 2012

How do you EVER decide where the balance is between living out of fear and ignoring caution?

How do you EVER decide when you’re looking for too much perfect in a church and when you should keep looking?

How did Mennonites get sooooooooooo hung up in church membership that you can’t just get out of one? You have to transfer?

Why can people not learn to be kind?

Why is there so much silence when there should be words and so many words when there should be silence?

Why when I finally feel like staying up late to type do I have to face getting up at 4:45 to go to the gym?

Raaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I am in a mood.

7 thoughts on “Thursday February 9, 2012

  1. richlyblest

    I don’t have any answers for you- I have so many of the same questions. We Mennonites make some things so much harder than they would have to be.  It is h.a.r.d to sort through everything.

  2. quiet_hearts

    I don’t know either, but I wish I did.   But I guess we’re really northern.  I just lately heard about people not being able to withdraw membership from a church without joining another one.   What is with that?  It sure happens here. 

    I’m sorry about all the unanswered stuff and pray that you will feel peace in following what you KnOw. But  I would be in a mood, too, if I had to go to the gym at that hour of the day.  At least you are funny in your puzzlement. 😉

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