Thursday February 9, 2012
…. about being allowed to paint when you are sick?
…. about a fun game of Rummicub?
…. about a three year old who vacuums the kitchen (and stacks the new rolls of toilet paper in the bathroom vanity, dusts the baseboard, organizes the toy food, and asks, “What else tan I do fo’ ‘ou?”)?
…. about more sunshine and mild temperatures in winter than I can remember in a long time?
…. about discovering that I have enough credits to enjoy six months of xanga premium? (goodbye ads, hello protected posts)
…. about the smell of a new bag of eight o’clock coffee?
…. about realizing the tea has gone sour in the frig which means I really am cutting back on the habit?
…. about feeling achey and flu-like and realizing it is the first time we’ve been sick all winter?
…. about finishing up some major projects (even if there are still a dozen to go)?
…. about a book that stirs your passion, motivates you into action, cuts through the drivel of your cobwebby vocabulary, and leaves you with just the right amount of tension at the lack of resolution in the end …… even when the story had absolutely nothing to do with things you are passionate about. Odd, I tell you. But I like it.
What made you happy this week?
- Tuesday February 7, 2012
- Thursday February 9, 2012
Pizza delivery!
Well for starters, this post made me happy, especially the pictures of your darling boys! Other things that made me happy: warm banana bread on a cold day, reading James and the Giant Peach with the boys, and a quick date night with my favorite person 🙂
A bit of snow, but temps warm enough to grill some nights too–all in the same week

posts by you
aww. such a cute post!
made me happy this week? a night out with the hubs last night…even if it included a dr. appt. it was PEACE AND QUIET!!!
Such a happy post!! I love how Liam wants to help you with work! That is so sweet…and the stage will probably pass!
i’m with you on realizing this mild sickness is something to love—first time this season, baby!
and i am most happy about having 21 beadboards primed twice and painted once and all ready to go up with just one final painting hanging over my head…i think i’m going to be a remodel survivor after all.
here’s a toast to you and the tenacity to FINISH. amen. 🙂
@inanorchard – Yeah for date nights!
@fruitloops115 – Wasn’t expecting that one, but thank you. 😉
@foreveranoatneygirl_n2Hisown – good baby news I hope?
@appalolly – What a darling profile picture!
@lin789 – Go, Linda!!!!! David made a heeeuge mess the other Saturday cutting a little bit of drywall and baseboard to install a bookshelf. I do not expect to EVER be a remodel survivor w/o drugs. A toast and tenacity to finish …. exactly what this girl needs. Can’t wait to be called a survivor.
Wow! Reminds me of the 1000 gifts ~ or at least a great start on that list. What made me happy this week? Mmmm…. that would be (for one) tickets to Cancun! (I could actually list several more, but that one has to top the list.)
What a sweet helper, that boy of yours.
And I love how you described the book you read.
Happy here? *Looking up ‘epic’ online with my older children and finding all kinds of funny slang words for awesome that we laughed over. *Making a spicy ham and lentil soup that almost everyone liked tonight. *Mocha with my artist friend Angela today. *The quiet after the kiddoes are in bed and it’s just Dan & me.
p.s. I should go with xanga premium, I guess. I wonder what kind of horrid ads people see on my blog.
i’m with the others ^^^ seeing a post from you makes me happy!
hmmmm. and what else?
seeing jacob beam in my rearview mirror as i was praying for him on our way to school.
the way the sun shines in our front windows in the mornings.
talking about you today made me happy too!
jacob was looking at your book and said that he might not want to be a scientist afterall…as he points to adam painting!
he wants to paint he thinks, instead of inventing and discovering! hahaha.
i’m happy about my almost finished organizing project in our laundry room! yay!
tomorrow’s friday!
Yes, this post definitely makes me happy. 🙂 and being home at the end of a long, tiring day.
yay a post from you…you have been missed. what makes me happy? a smile from a true friend, sun on my face and some tea and a book in my hand…some quite me time. goodness your eldest is getting so big.
Happy things.. … no snow. Warm temps. Healthy little people. family to love and call my own. Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy!
a beautiful sunny day and my friends on xanga!
Flyinh home after a weekend away and feeling so loved, so missed!
I agree with April, THIS POST makes me happy! Watching my Japanese kids understand and repeat words in English makes me happy… it makes me more happy to give them an American donut and watch them devour it! Hearing my little girl ask me to please hold her, that makes me so happy. Watching my husband do well in his work makes me very happy too! I have had a great week!