Tuesday December 19, 2006
Life with a two year old is rarely middle of the road. It is moments of “oh how adorable” changing to sheer frustration to moments of quickly turning your head and doing very silent belly laughs to “I cannot believe he just did that AGAIN” to watching him assert incredibly independent statements and amaze you by drying the silverware and putting it away or standing on tiptoe to help clean out the tub then seeing him turn around and refuse to do something simple with wailing, “I CAN’T’s.” No, life with a two year old is not boring. My favorite part of this stage, aside from his bold statements about how he loves mommy best, is listening to him talk. Ok, well, most of the time. The “that means?” questions don’t count. Here are a few recent two year old statements.
Church is still difficult for Adam. It seemed we had a lot of negative experiences with church and I was beginning to wonder if he dreaded it. I didn’t worry anymore after he got up last Sunday, walked into our bedroom and said, “I’m so excited to hear the preachers talk!”
Sunday night we were driving home from Grammie’s church the “back way” and enjoying the Christmas lights. Adam kept declaring all the houses without lights ugly and any house with myriads of lights was a “pretty house” irregardless of adult opinions about what the house actually looked like. He couldn’t see any pretty ones for about a quarter mile then spotted one with lights all over the house and a dozen setups in the yard. With all the excitement he could muster he says, “I’m so frustrated!”
Yesterday we took advantage of the 68 degree weather and headed out on a walk. As we were walking up the lane, a breeze sent the towels on the line flapping. Adam started laughing and running and exclaiming, “look, they are so freezing!”
- Sunday December 10, 2006
- Wednesday January 3, 2007
I love the little quotes! Reminds me of my nephew Cole. He just turned three and talks non-stop ;-). We get to see him end of this week! Can’t wait!
Hey Mama Mickey! Nice to find your spot on the web.