
Tuesday May 8, 2012

There are too many scrap papers floating around here with little boy quotes scrawled on them. It’s high time to put them somewhere I won’t lose them so that someday we can sit and remember together.

Our former church and where Adam goes to school is connected to a home for mentally handicapped children. They run (among other things) a bakeshop to help support themselves financially; but families who work at the home can help themselves to things at the bakeshop for free. I don’t know when exactly Adam realized this fact, but it was noteworthy.

Adam: “Mommy, the people at the home can just go up to the bakeshop and help themselves to cookies whenever they want. They are soooo lucky. Can I do that at camp?”

Me: “Camp is run a little differently than Faith Mission. At Faith Mission, you get a very tiny money allowance but your house and food is provided. At camp, you get a little bit bigger allowance, but then you are responsible to buy your own food. So camp’s food won’t be ours and you don’t just help yourself. And remember it’s not good manners to ask for things.”

Adam: “Well, this might just be my imagination, but maybe Miss Esther will say, ‘Adam, would you like a cookie’? I really like those kinds of people.”


When the boys stayed with their grandparents while David and I were in Jamaica, Liam lost his favorite red socks. He and Grandpa searched the house, but no red socks could be found. Liam decided it wasn’t such a big issue. “Oh, dats otay. “You tan dust email dem to me when you find dem.”


It was early in the morning and Liam was acting like a lion cub tusseling all over Adam.
Adam: “Whoa! He has a lot of energy and he’s using it up right now.”


This is only funny or sweet if you’ve ever had only one child for a very long time because some things take two or more kids.
Liam: “Don’t tell on me like that.”


Liam was dusting the spindles of the stair rail on cleaning day.
“I need binders.” (short i sound)
Me: “What???? Splinters????”
Liam: “No. What are doze fings on Dampa’s doulders?”
Me: “Ooooh. Suspenders.”
Liam: “Ah. I need bubenders betuz my dortz teep fa-wing down.”


David and I were getting ready to go see “Fiddler on the Roof” performed by a local high school. I walked into the boys’ bathroom to get something and met up with Adam.
Adam: “You look hideously beautiful and smell hideously good.”


In Virginia Beach Adam was struggling with both seasonal allergies and a bit of a sinus head cold. After yet another racking cough I heard a voice from the back seat. “I’m afraid I got the whopper cough.” (whooping cough) He really was miserable. A little later he looked at me dolefully and said, “Do you think I’m on my death bed?”


Adam and Liam are equally obsessed with horses right now. It started who knows where and intensified about a thousand times when we let them watch Misty. Then we watched the Black Stallion and recently Secretariat. There are thundering heels in the kitchen often as two boys gallop imaginary steeds as hard as they can go. Both boys are saving up their pennies and nickels and dimes, sure they will have enough money to buy a horse by the time they are sixteen.

Adam seems to be realizing that money takes a looooooooooong time to add up, but he is convinced he wants a $100,000 racing stallion. We have had frequent discourses on what God thinks is the most important thing to do with our money and why it might not be the wisest decision to buy a stallion worth that much money. He doesn’t get it. He just keeps saying, “But what if God wants me to buy a $100,000 stallion.” And so we don’t push it. He has NO idea how much money that is or what it could do judging by the fact that he thinks we should just sell our house to Ryan and Tury for $1,000 so we could hurry up and go to camp.

For a few days, he would come home from school and tell me he just WISHED someone would give him $100,000. Just for the record, me too, buddy. One day his tune changed. He walked in the door, eyes aglow.

“Mommy, I just can’t seem to get money out of my mind, but I’ve decided I want wisdom the most. Do you know why? Because Solomon asked for wisdom and he seemed to get all the other stuff then, too.”

23 thoughts on “Tuesday May 8, 2012

  1. Carsonsmom2

    Love the whooping cough one. πŸ™‚ Too funny.

    Carson was talking about a man from church who wears suspenders and he couldn’t remember what they were called.  He said, “You know, the one who wears those bungee straps.”

  2. appalolly

    As always, so funny! And I always think that Adam is SUCH an interesting kid. Mostly because he has a very interesting Mom, I figure!   I liked the “hideously beautiful” one!

  3. mytoesareblue

    awwww. what wonderful memories. i love that you are recording them. such precious things for a mother’s heart to remember now and in the future when reading back over them πŸ™‚ thank you for sharing them with us! we are blessed. i love that you are hideously good smelling and looking πŸ˜‰

  4. quiet_hearts

    Your boys are just too funny and brilliant!!  I know I keep expostulating about Liam, but ever since meeting him, I am enchanted with anything you write about him.  His accent (or whatever you call kid talk) is just sooo cute.  And I love Adam’s take on Solomon.  Smarty. 

    Just so you know, Victoria (12) loves to read your blog and look at your photography. 

  5. richlyblest

    kids are just so funny. i wish i would keep track better of the things that get said around here!

    i assume hideously beautiful was supposed to be a compliment?! πŸ˜€

    there are only 3 years between our girls, but i get what you mean about the things that take two. there is not much i like more than hearing my girls giggling together, even if they ARE supposed to be sleeping. even the fighting was cute at first, but i AM rapidly becoming tired of that. it will be funnier again when emily has more words, i suppose.

  6. zanyzeal

    Ba ha ha — e-mailing the socks.. why brilliant… I am sure they will invent that some day – just give it time… Just love hearing all the fun stories of your kids.

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