
Wednesday July 6, 2011

In the last three years, I have been to more doctor’s appointments than I want to count. Worse, at least to me, I hear the strangest names at times. Before I became a mom, I thought that I at least had a general sense of childhood illness. You know, they get the flu and throw up. They get fevers. They teethe hard. Sometimes they get things like brain concussions and broken arms and in very, very bad but rare cases, cancer. I knew that little girls were prone to UTI’s and that there would be a hundred garden varieties of the common cold.

I did not know or expect, that in three years time our little family of four would hear (on top of the multiple cases of broncheolitis, ear infections, pink eye, ring worm, eczema, a brain concussion, cracked rib) toxic hip synovitis, multiple antibiotic reactions, food allergies and probable FPIES, ACL repair, Ehrlichiosis, molar pregnancy, and as of yesterday, lymes disease.

July 11_0274

When I was nineteen and convinced I did not want to live my life in a boring way, I was not referring to the health needs of my future children. I would be JUST FINE with some normal stuff for a few years. You know, strep, broncheolitis, colds and coughs, and maybe a case of pink eye. Just saying.

25 thoughts on “Wednesday July 6, 2011

  1. TrentTribe

    Oh no!  Prayers for your little sickie.  I’m assuming it is from a tick bite.  An older gentlemen from our church was cautioning me that they are plentyful this year.

  2. itsayoderworld

    Oh, NO! Who has Lyme’s? That stuff is awful….I am really so VERY sorry to hear this news. Just doesn’t seem fair that y’all have had to deal with so many nasty medical issues.

  3. smilesbymiles

    @itsayoderworld – @qawzse789 –  It’s Adam. And I think we caught it early. I’m trying to take at least a partial stick-my-head-in-the-sand approach, but it’s only partially working. I’m just SO GRATEFUL that he developed the rash otherwise I’d never have suspected anything sinister was causing the low-grade fever.

  4. singingrachel

    aw, so sorry.  we were at my brother’s in pa. over the wkend and they live in a wooded lot and ticks abound….. every  night after baths there is a major check over for them.  they are just so gross.  i’m really hoping too that you caught it early enough.  you really DON’T need more medical stuff going on.

  5. ihavesix

    It seems like you caught it early, which is hugely in your favor! My sister had it and she would def. recommend that you go to a Lymes Specialist to have your son treated. The common Dr. will often prescribe a lower dosage amount of antibiotic then a Lymes Dr… then it returns later. πŸ™ Prayin’ for you!

  6. mytoesareblue

    so thankful that God created a sign that there was a tick bite (it always results in a target like ring) so that we kow that we need to treat it. NOT thankful however that your little man was the recipient of the bite. we had several cases of lyme’s at camp outside NYC…and several of the kids had to be on antibiotics but thankfully i think we got them all. i am praying that your little family isn’t beset by anymore series health issues…several years of perhaps ‘normal’ kid moments would be best. so sorry that you’ve had to go through all of this with your little ones. so thankful for your perserverence in both seeking out answers for what’s been going on with them as well as sharing what you’ve learned with us.

  7. smilesbymiles

    @ihavesix –  I know, I am so glad it was early. That’s an understatement. And Adam sees an above-average pediatrician who is very on top of things so I know he will have excellent care and a referral if he needs it.
    @mytoesareblue –  Actually only 70-80% of cases get the ring. I think that’s why I feel so ENORMOUSLY grateful. Because we could have learned this the hard way.

  8. Elizabethmarie_1

    Oh!  Glad you found it early on, it can cause big problems if it’s not treated early.
    I know what you’re saying with the strange diseases…..we had scarlet fever a couple of years ago. I always thought scarlet fever was a death sentence until I learned it’s just a form of strep throat! lol.

    Stay healthy. =)
    Happy Wednesday.

  9. appalolly

    Wow! You have had your share of strange illnesses. 

    I really hope that they can treat it quickly and effectively, for your sake and Adam’s.   We have SO many ticks around here too and I just absolutely HATE them with a passion.  I know it is probably just a matter of time before someone around here gets Lyme’s.

  10. lifeisadance

    Oh NO! Not Lyme! My heart just dropped when I read that! I do hope you caught it early… I know it you catch it early you can normally treat it with antibiotics and it’s not a problem. Not catching it soon means antibiotics usually don’t work, and it’s a lot harder to get rid of. My mom was the latter, and she’s dealt with it for years. πŸ™ My dad has also had it, but his symptoms show up very soon and antibiotics knocks it right away… Wishing Adam a FAST recovery! And YOU much grace with all of this!

  11. down_onthefarm

    noooooooo! stomping my feet nooooooo! and…whew. wiping my brow with relief that he got that early alert rash.
    breathing a clarification prayer to Him for you about what boring is. and is not. πŸ™‚ and what clarita wrote…”a fast recovery” and “you much grace…”

  12. smilesbymiles

    @mylittlepinkhouse –  Unfortunately, I don’t know. We never saw the tick. πŸ™ I’ve heard the big ticks aren’t as scary as the teeny tiny ones (like the size of the tip of a pencil). I have no idea if it’s true or not, but this one must have been tiny. He was picking wineberries in the woods on Saturday and I first noticed the rash Sunday so I connected the two. From what I’ve been reading today, apparently it often doesn’t show up til 1-4 weeks later so I really have no idea.

  13. Anonymous

    I haven’t commented here before but I love following your blog!   I was “privileged” to have a child diagnosed with the once upon a time unheard of  sickness now called lyme disease. πŸ™  Thankfully she also had the ring which was what alerted me to the cause of her soreness and fever. I didn’t catch hers in the first stage but the dr. thought it was still early enough in the second stage to be able to easily take care of it.

  14. foreveranoatneygirl_n2Hisown

    ah Michelle!! i’m so sorry to hear about this! so thankful that you did catch it early and i do hope that the road to recovery is short.
    i do have to say that all your medical knowledge is highly beneficial to you with all of these diseases, and i think? that is something to be grateful. i’m just thinking that if it would be me, i’d be all confused and completely stupid about any or all of the things you have mentioned….but, i’m NOT trying to make light of the situation..instead, i will pray. for you. and for them. for all of you…for protection and health to be restored to your household!
    love you girl!

  15. smilesbymiles

    @foreveranoatneygirl_n2Hisown –  You aren’t making light of it, but you are also over-estimating my knowledge base. Seriously, I had never even HEARD of toxic synovitis or ehrlichiosis or FPIES. But I will happily talk to you a little about an EF or arrhythmias, MI’s and ablations. πŸ™‚ Thank goodness we haven’t had any of those, but at least I’d know what they’re talking about! These boys will baffle me forever, I think. πŸ™‚
    @Darlene –  Thanks for commenting, Darlene! I tell myself over and over to give thanks for living in 2011 when doctors know so much more about the things we are dealing with. It would be interesting to hear your story.

  16. qualitybarns

    Michelle….did they say anything about this being contagious?? I’ve heard that it can actually be passed through saliva…a girl down here has it, and now her dad & sister have it, too! Scary!

  17. qawzse789

    Just saw an excerpt on a show today about a little boy who has FPIES. Alittle off subject here, I know. Anyhow…once again, praying you get answers, and for healing.

  18. lazonya75

    Oh dear. I keep praying that none of us gets it. I periodically find ticks on us, in the house, even if we haven’t been thrashing around in tall grass and such. Hope you have good success with Adam’s treatment.

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