Wednesday May 28, 2008
These are pacifiers:
Probably if I were any cuter, babies wouldn’t like me. You know, mommies like to buy the cute kinds. The ones that will make their babies look even more, “aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwweee, just look at how darling he is. And isn’t that nuk, binky, you name it, sweet?”
Nope. They made me functional. I don’t even come in more then one color so you just have to plan the outfits around me, not “hmm, which nuk matches this outfit?” But babies like me. Because, well, I seem to fit just the right way. I even got some attention today. Another lady with a one week old at the pediatrician’s office asked Liam’s mommy if they gave me to her at the hospital. You could tell she was wishing for one just like me. Liam had to give me up for a minute so she could get a really good look at all the sides of me. I bet she headed straight for Babies R Us.
Photo credits: C.S. (thanks, girl)
- Sunday May 25, 2008
- Monday June 2, 2008
Yup, they so do work when the others won’t cut it.
PS The 6 mo+ size comes in pink or yellow.
Oh, and you know how babies like to suck on your finger? I used to say they should make a pacifier shaped like a finger…this one kind of is.
Ahh, yes, they are the best! The one I got at AMC for Emma was pink & shaped like a butterfly instead of round. She didn’t like it that much, but Dylan’s was his best friend for a while.
Do you ever run out?? They do a good job of baby-sitting, though, don’t they?
God Bless ~Judy
Thanks for the info…. to bad we didn’t have soothies when I had my babies 🙁
I had one of those for Roland and it was the only one he would take, but now I try giving it to him and he acts like he’s gagging! Guess he thinks he’s too big for it now.(: Btw, Liam is a very cute newborn….sometimes it seems like it takes awhile, but he’s been blessed with looks from the start!
Thanks for explaining, Neither of my girls took a pacifier mabe this baby will have to try a soothie.
Congrats on your new baby, Michelle! He is so precious!