
Wednesday November 4, 2009

Today is one of those days where every single part of me feels like a flop. It seems that all I do is spin my tires and get nowhere.
Today it feels like ….

if I were a better mom, I would have spent more time reading to and playing with the boys

if I were a better wife, I would have taken a shower and washed my hair by now

if I were better at supporting my husband in his business, I would have gotten his photo portfolio assembled

if I were a better couponer, my lists and coupons would be assembled and ready for tomorrow and there would be no inserts shoved into the bottom of the drawer

if I were a better cook, I would be enthused about starting supper

if I were more organized there would not be all these stray papers lying across my desk

if the sun would be shining I would feel a lot happier

if I could somehow see into Liam’s issues a little better I could get him to take longer naps and wake up from them happy instead of crying

if I would be more disciplined I would not have eaten that last brownie and I would have taken the boys for a walk even though it’s cold out

Today is just not my day. “Some days are like that. Even in Australia.” (quoted from Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.)

22 thoughts on “Wednesday November 4, 2009

  1. qawzse789

    aww.. sorry Michelle. I remember so many days, and there still are plenty when I wanted to run to Ausrralia.  Someone shared with me one time, and I will pass it on. If we were all we should be and wanted to be.. there would be no need for Jesus. Praying you can find His grace through your day, and see yourself and your efforts the way He does.. also that tomorrow is a better day 🙂 You are a good mommy and wife.

  2. Hammerdown4jesus

    We all have days like that some times. I actually had a good day today. I started redoing all my work from the last two days that didn’t turn out right and needs to be completely redone.

    Take heart, though, because to come with your list you at least have to be a good writer:)

    Hope tommorrow is better.

  3. foreveranoatneygirl_n2Hisown

    but…isn’t it comforting to know that tomorrow is another day, and God’s mercies are new EVERY morning!?!! Hoping a good nights rest will revive your weary soul, and that you will know that you are a child of God whom He delights in…no matter how you feel you measure up on an earthly scale. and…know that we ALL have those sort of days; whether or not we want to admit it.:(

    blessings to you~

  4. lazonya75

    Oh, do I know the feeling. Today is a new day. You are not defined by how well you meet your own expectations. You are a child of the King, He’s holding you tight, and He isn’t letting go, no matter how many stray papers are on your desk or how many tasks you didn’t get done.

  5. RallyJan

    ahh…more people like me! Recently, I read of a mom who wrote how we think we need to have it all together, that there’s this image we think we need to live up to. It doesn’t happen when we have children!!! Or our own human nature to work with. Off to my many duties for the day…I have grand plans, but wonder how much will really be done by day’s end!

  6. appalolly

    It sounds to me like you are just plain down too hard on yourself!  And it sounds a lot like me.

    I don’t have know many times over the years that I feel like in trying to be a great wife, Mom and do good at my job…I am failing at all three!  Sometimes we get spread a little too thin and are a little too overcommitted and that can be part of the problem.  And sometimes we just have too high of expectations about everything.  Like with me, Jeremy believes that I’m super woman and I want to live up to that.  But I like what someone else said about how if we could always get everything right, we wouldn’t need Jesus. And I think that sometimes with me, it takes some of those days for me to go back to God and say “You know what? You were right…again!  I CAN’T do all this on my own!” 

    I hope you have a better day today!  And give yourself a break. Because to me, looking on, you have quite a trial with your son Liam’s issues and I applaud you for the way you are dealing with that. I would imagine it could be quite draining some days!

  7. weluveachother

    Thank you!! for your openness and honesty! Days like this ARE quite discouraging…to me anyways!
    Again, thank you for sharing… it blessed my soul and encouraged my heart! You have been such an inspiration to me thru your writings! It is difficult for me to get my feelings out, either by writing or talking, and just reading some of your posts make me cry, laugh, etc. just because I feel your “heartbeat” and I feel like it helps me “let go” of some of my feelings and/or frustrations. God bless you today! ♥  ~Lavonne

  8. diane_iris

    We all have days where we don’t feel our best. But remember that no one is perfect and you don’t have to get everything done on your list. Just as long as you try your best and love as much as you can. 🙂

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